A Little Stranger

New York Lottery Sleepy Time Advert

Yippee its Friday! Hope you have a fantastic weekend, here’s some links to keep you smiling through the day. How great is this This New York Lottery advert? I literally started squealing when i saw it, then watched it on repeat ten times! cuteness x19813437463876!!! But wait theres another one, it might be EVEN cuter…

New York Lottery Bunny Carnival Advert

Whats cuter baby bunnies wobbling over or little piglets in pyjamas?! Eeee i dont know im just gonna watch them again and again and havea  little cry over it :D ha ha!


Signs that you may be a teen wolf

ha ha ha ha ha

Brilliant paper makes from Muji

NSFW: horrible celebrity cartoon porn :(

NSFW: Top 10 Ridiculous movie sex scenes :)

Amazing luminous tops

Make your own Ludo costume from the Labyrinth movie

Jewellery lust brought on by Stoopidgerl’s wonderful stuff

Beautiful art by Tatiana Suarez

Theory that Dr Gordon will be alive in SawVII (i like this theory!)

Photoshop Disasters – so funny!


Holly xox